Church Links

Diocese of Grand Rapids
Official website for the Diocese of Grand Rapids.

Official website for the Vatican. Good resources for official papal and other Vatican documents.

San Juan Diego Academy
Official website for San Juan Diego Academy. Good resource for school related news and information.

Our bulletins page. You can find our six most recent bulletins in pdf format.

Official website for the U.S. Catholic Bishops. Good resource for daily readings and documents of the U.S. Bishops.

Our Sunday Visitor 
Offers periodicals, books, multimedia material, and Catholic supplies.

Wider Church News And Information

United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
Official website for the U.S. Catholic Bishops. Good resource for daily readings and documents of the U.S. Bishops.

The Vatican 
Official website for all the Vatican congregations and offices. Good resources for official papal and other Vatican documents.

Catholic New Network
Connected to the U.S. Conference of Bishops, resource for current news and information affecting the Catholic Church or of interest to Catholics.

Worship/Prayer/Spirituality links

Creighton University Online Ministry Website 
Excellent site with several areas of use: daily prayer, daily reflections, and online retreats.

The Center for Liturgy at St. Louis University
Very good resource for preparing for upcoming Sunday worship. Recommended for all but especially lectors, communion ministers, music ministers, cantors, deacons, priests and all who have special liturgical roles.

Apostleship of Prayer
The mission of this apostolate is to encourage prayer in the homes, especially a “morning offering,” which places the day in the Lord’s care.

Catechist Support

Grade level support offered by publisher to aide catechist in all phases of planning a faith formation class.

Christian Service Links

Catholic Relief Services
Website for this national Catholic outreach program, which provides extensive aid to all areas of the world facing natural and other disasters. Highly respected for the quickness of response and low amount of management costs.

Legislative/Social Justice/Life Issues Links

Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good
Website for national organization dedicated to increasing Catholic involvement in social justice issues that flow from Catholic teaching.

Center of Concern
Public policy think tank, founded by Catholic religious men and women, promoting global justice based on Catholic social teaching.

Wide variety of links on major social justice topics. Website supported by the Religious Sisters of the Sacred Heart.

Founded by a network of Catholic religious orders to influence legislative initiatives in Washington. Good resource for status of key bills that have significant social justice implications.

JustFaith Ministries help ordinary people in faith communities become shining examples of this vision within their own communities.

Evangelization Links

Evangelization Resources for Catholic Educators
A site with links to a variety of documents on Catholic approaches and resources for evangelization.

Catholic Young and Young Adult Links

Site produced by the diocese of Lansing just for teens. Interesting insights and information.

Has latest information on events being sponsored by the North Macomb and Central Macomb Vicariate Young Adult Ministry.

Busted Halo
Site supported by Paulist Evangelization outreach, aiming at adults in their 20s and 30s.

Vocation Link

Diocesan Vocation Office
Basic information on ordained vocations.

Guide for Parents
Booklet with suggestions for how parents/families can encourage a positive attitude toward vocations in their home.

Theological Resources

Catechism of the Catholic Church
Online searchable text of the official catechism of the Catholic Church.

Catholic Theological Terms
Contains brief definitions and descriptions of theological terms from a traditional Catholic perspective.